Prof Steve Rutledge Retirement Celebration

April 25, 2024

Steve Rutledge

Hosted by Department

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In this short talk, I will first provide some remarks about my
graduate school days. Then I will talk about several "big breaks"
had at the start of my career that jump started my research on
convection in the mid-latitudes and the tropics. I will then
overview the two major facilities I led during my time at CSU, the
CSU - CHILL National Radar Facility and the SEA - POL radar. In
describing the CHILL Facility, I will talk a bit about how the CHILL
radar played a pivotal role in improving radar-based rain
estimation following the 1997 Ft. Collins flood . I will then highlight
some of the 25 field projects I was fortunate to participate in
during my years at CSU. Finally, I will thank many who helped me
along the way. It has been a remarkable 36 years at CSU.