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Tips for Writing a Successful Proposal
February 11, 2025
Kyle Hilburn
Hosted by Grad Reps
Gain valuable insights about proposal writing.

William M Gray Award Ceremony
November 03, 2023
Alex DesRosiers
Hosted by Department
Dr Gray Inaugural Award Ceremony

2023 Outstanding Alum Awards Ceremony and Presentation
November 01, 2023
John F. Henz
Hosted by Department
Retired Certified Consulting Meteorologist, Recipient of the AMS 2018 Henry T Harrison Award For Outstanding Contributions by a Consulting Meteorologist CSU ATS Alumnus M.S. 1974

Workshop on Future Storm-Resolving Configurations of CESM - Part 3
May 17, 2023
various groups
Hosted by Atmospheric Science and CIRA
Reports of various workshop groups part 1

Workshop on Future Storm-Resolving Configurations of CESM - Part 4
May 17, 2023
various groups
Hosted by Atmospheric Science and CIRA
Reports of various workshop groups part 2

Workshop on Future Storm-Resolving Configurations of CESM - Part 1
May 16, 2023
Dave Randell, Jim Hurrell, Bill Skamarock, Christiane Jablonowski
Hosted by Atmospheric Science and CIRA
Purpose: To bring together model developers and users (~50 people) who need to use CESM with horizontal grid spacings of a few km or finer. The applications of such models (both coupled and atmosphere only) include both weather and climate. The agenda of the Workshop includes sessions devoted to model formulation, weather and climate applications, and computational science. Broader Impacts:…

Workshop on Future Storm-Resolving Configurations of CESM - Part 2
May 16, 2023
Chair - Jim Hurrell, Falko Judt, Justin Small, Ruby Leung, Chair - Jim Hurrell, Brian Medeiros, Rich Loft
Hosted by Atmospheric Science and CIRA
Purpose: To bring together model developers and users (~50 people) who need to use CESM with horizontal grid spacings of a few km or finer. The applications of such models (both coupled and atmosphere only) include both weather and climate. The agenda of the Workshop includes sessions devoted to model formulation, weather and climate applications, and computational science. Broader Impacts:…

2020 Outstanding Alum Awards Ceremony and Presentation
December 10, 2020
Prof. Robert M. Rauber and Dr. Julie L. Demuth
Hosted by Jeff Collett
Prof. Robert M. Rauber Director, University of Illinois School of Earth, Society, & Environment CSU ATS Alumnus M.S. 1981 and Ph.D. 1985 Dr. Julie L. Demuth Project Scientist II, NCAR, Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Laboratory CSU ATS Alumna M.S. 2001

Dietrich and Shrake-Culler Awards Recognition Event
November 20, 2020
Recipients of the Dietrich Award and the Shrake-Culler Award
Hosted by Eric Maloney
Today is the day to celebrate! Please join us in recognizing the accomplishments of the recipients of the Dietrich Award and the Shrake-Culler Award. The event will start at 3:00 p.m. in Teams (click here to join the meeting). The award recipients will be giving brief presentations on their research, so it will be a great way to wrap up the week before Thanksgiving. The Dietrich Award is…

Graduating Students Recognition
May 08, 2020
Spring 2020 graduates
Hosted by Eric Maloney
We recognize the students graduating this semester.
Also, you can download the videos at the original resolution.

Riehl and Alumni Award Ceremony
May 08, 2020
Award winners
Hosted by Eric Maloney
We recognize this year's Riehl Award and Alumni Award winners.
Also, you can download the video at the original resolution.

ATS Faculty Jamboree
October 03, 2019
Hosted by Department
ATS faculty will give brief overviews of their research. Professors who will speak and their
topics are as follows:
Associate Professor Emily Fischer
Pink and Blue and Ketones Too: A 10-minute tour of the Fischer group
Associate Professor Christine Chiu
“Illuminating” interactions between cloud, aerosol and precipitation
Professor Steve Rutledge
A quick look…

2019 Student Research Symposium
July 31, 2019
Hosted by Melissa Burt
2019 Student Research Symposium

2019 Student Research Symposium Part 2
July 31, 2019
Hosted by Melissa Burt
2019 Student Research Symposium Part 2

Careers in the Private Sector: Professional Development Workshop
May 01, 2019
Chris Alston, sales engineer with ClimaCell; Rachel Hatteberg, software engineer with Aeris, LLC; Gavin McMeeking, principal scientist with Handix Scientific; and Sara Tucker, research scientist with Ball Aerospace
Hosted by Professor Sue van den Heever and Melissa Burt
Professor Sue van den Heever and Melissa Burt will host a professional development workshop on careers in the private sector 2-4 p.m. Wednesday, May 1, in ATS 101. Featured panelists are Chris Alston, sales engineer with ClimaCell; Rachel Hatteberg, software engineer with Aeris, LLC; Gavin McMeeking, principal scientist with Handix Scientific; and Sara Tucker, research scientist with Ball…

Using Clustering to Evaluate the CESM1 Large Ensemble's Ability to Simulate Regional Variations in Heat Waves
July 31, 2018
Savanna Wolvin, St. Cloud State University

Hosted by Andrea Jenney and Prof. Dave Randall

The Madden-Julian Oscillation Moist Static Energy Budget in Climate Models

July 31, 2018
Shannon Bohman, Stony Brook University

Hosted by Dr. Charlotte DeMott and Prof. Dave Randall

An Evaluation of IMERG Orographic Precipitation during the 2017-18 Cool Season
July 31, 2018
Caleb Wood, Iowa State University

Hosted by Prof. Christian Kummerow, Kyle Hilburn, and Ryan Gonzalez

Topographical Influences on a Subtropical South American Mesoscale Convective System
July 31, 2018
Christiaan Patterson, University of Oklahoma
Hosted by Prof. Kristen L. Rasmussen and Zachary S. Bruick

Changes in North American Monsoon in a Warmer Climate
July 31, 2018
Emily Fletcher, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Hosted by Michael Natoli, Dr. Bohar Singh, and Prof. Eric Maloney

Source Apportionment of Asian Pollutants at Baengnyeong Island
July 31, 2018
Marquin Spann, North Carolina A&T State University
Hosted by Dr. Qijing (Emily) Bian and Prof. Sonia Kreidenweis

The Efficiency of INP Release through Sea Spray Aerosols and Various Bubble Sizes
July 31, 2018
Ruby Nelson, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Hosted by Kathryn Moore, Dr. Thomas Hill, Prof. Sonia Kreidenweis, and Dr. Paul DeMott

Stuck in the Middle: Designing and Testing Sampling Strategies for Ammonia on Aircraft
July 31, 2018
Emily Wein, University of California, Santa Barbara

Hosted by Prof. Emily Fischer, Dr. Ilana Pollack, and Jakob Lindaas

Analyzing Ice Nucleation Activity of Arizona Test Dust in Varying Conditions
July 31, 2018
Samantha Gillette, Portland State University
Hosted by Dr. Russell Perkins, Dr. Thomas Hill, Dr. Paul DeMott, and Prof. Sonia Kreidenweis

Open Forum for the Director of the Colorado Climate Center with Russ Schumacher
August 22, 2017
Russ Schumacher
Hosted by Steve Rutledge

Colorado Climate Center: 21st Century Climate Services for Colorado
August 16, 2017
Scott Denning
Hosted by Steve Rutledge
Open Forum for the Director of the Colorado Climate Center with Scott Denning.

Quantifying Future Health Effects Due to Changes in US Wildfire Frequency
July 25, 2017
Sarah Zelasky
Hosted by Prof. Jeff Pierce, Prof. Emily Fischer, and Bonne Hotmann

Size- and Composition-Resolved Distribution from Wildfire Emissions
July 25, 2017
Gabriel Rodriguez
Hosted by Prof. Shantanu Jathar

Method Development for Collection of Ice-Nucleating Particles
July 25, 2017
Leah Johnson, Earlham College
Hosted by Paul DeMott, Thomas Hill, and Gregory Schill

The Mysterious MEK: Investigating MEK Measurements from the Front Range of Colorado
July 25, 2017
Daniel Rodriguez
Hosted by Prof. Emily Fischer, Ilana Pollack, and Jakob Lindaas

Atmospheric River Activity in Simulations of a 4xCO2 Climate
July 25, 2017
Jessica Solomon
Hosted by Prof. Eric Maloney, Scott Powell, and Justin Whitaker

Advancing Convective Severe Weather Outlooks into Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Timescales
July 25, 2017
Samantha Zito
Hosted by Prof. Elizabeth Barnes, Cory Baggett, and Kyle Nardi

An Assessment of Modeled Precipitation from 1950-2005
July 25, 2017
Caitlyn Garko and Eric Molten
Hosted by Prof. Chris Kummerow and Kate Musgrave

Examining the Sensitivity of Convective Aggregation in Cloud-Resolving Models
July 25, 2017
Alison Banks
Hosted by Prof. Dave Randall, Don Dazlich, and Alex Naegele

Impacts of Aerosols on Deep Convective Storms
July 25, 2017
Joseph Moody
Hosted by Prof. Chris Kummerow and Paula Brown

Multi-Doppler Radar Analysis of Hurricane Matthew's Eyewall Replacement Cycle
July 25, 2017
Alexander DesRosiers
Hosted by Prof. Michael Bell and Jon Martinez

Perspectives from a 50-year Career in Atmospheric Science
September 29, 2016
Dr. Fred Carr, AMS President
Hosted by FORTCAST

Case study analysis of easterly wave formation in the East Pacific
July 22, 2016
Kevin Zolea, Kean University?
Hosted by Melissa Burt
This video starts with opening remarks by Melissa Burt. Kevin's talk begins at 1:15. Mentors: Eric Maloney, Emily Riley Dellaripa, and Justin Whitaker

Is smoke going to ruin your blue sky? Evaluation of a wildfire smoke forecasting tool
July 22, 2016
Maryssa Loehr, Missouri University of Science and Technology?
Hosted by Melissa Burt
Mentors: Emily Fischer, Jeffrey Pierce, Bonne Hottmann, and William Lassman

Modeling the concentration distribution of Benzene from flowback using AERMOD
July 22, 2016
Khalil McMillan, North Carolina A&T State University
Hosted by Melissa Burt
Mentors: Jeffrey Collett, Katherine Benedict, Arsineh Hecobian, and Ashley Evanoski-Cole

Examining the tropopause structure during Rossby wave breaking events with COSMIC
July 22, 2016
Alexia Prosperi, Valparaiso University?
Hosted by Melissa Burt
Mentors: Elizabeth Barnes and Chengji Liu

Sudden stratospheric warmings: climatology vs recent events
July 22, 2016
Rachael Coons, SUNY Albany?
Hosted by Melissa Burt
Mentors: Thomas Birner, Edward Charlesworth, and Louis Rivoire

Sensitivity of the hydrologic cycle to surface flux enhancement by convection
July 22, 2016
Ann Casey Hughes, Wofford College?
Hosted by Melissa Burt
Mentors: David Randall, Charlotte DeMott, and Andrea Jenney

Assessing the impact of uncertain brightness temperatures in the Goddard Profiling Algorithm
July 22, 2016
Steven Cavazos, University of the Incarnate Word?
Hosted by Melissa Burt
Mentors: Christian Kummerow and Janice Bytheway

Investigating ice nucleating particles from various landscapes
July 22, 2016
Anna Miller, Reed College?
Hosted by Melissa Burt
Mentors: Paul DeMott, Thomas Hill, Gregg Schill, and Christina McCluskey

Quantifying the transport of air into MCS updrafts
July 22, 2016
Rachel Phinney, University of Nebraska, Lincoln?
Hosted by Melissa Burt
Mentors: Susan van den Heever and Peter Marinescu

Factors that influence the growth of supercells into MCSs after sunset
July 22, 2016
Keenan Eure, University of Maryland, College Park?
Hosted by Melissa Burt
Mentors: Russ Schumacher and John Peters

The Power of Language in Science Communication and Research
March 30, 2016
Dr. Laura Sample McMeeking, CSU STEM Center Associate Director
Hosted by
As humans, we use language to convey meaning every day. As scientists the language we use at work may have a different meaning from the language we use at home. When we communicate with or ask questions of different groups of people, our language necessarily changes. But how do we know that others understand us? How do we know we haven't made assumptions about others when we talk to them or ask…

Our Science: Protecting the Public in the 21st Century
October 08, 2015
Alexander E. MacDonald, AMS President
Hosted by FORTCAST
Science is not a passive bystander in our lives. It is our protector through the generations. I illustrate this talk with examples of the role of science as it has affected six generations of my own family. Our science protects people in many ways, from forecasting floods and hurricanes, to determining the threat of anthropogenic climate change. I will give examples of some of the possible…

Global Changes in Aerosol Optical Depth and PM2.5 Concentrations due to Open Domestic Waste Burning
July 31, 2015
Rachel Cucinotta
Hosted by CMMAP

Evolution of Extreme Precipitation: A Satellite Based Investigation
July 31, 2015
Ryan Gonzalez
Hosted by CMMAP

Evaluating the Potential Importance of Monoterpene Degradation for Global Acetone Production
July 31, 2015
Makoto Kelp
Hosted by CMMAP

The Climatology and Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers near the Coast of Southern Alaska
July 31, 2015
Kyle Nardi
Hosted by CMMAP

Characterization of Ice Nucleating Particles at the California Coast
July 31, 2015
Katherine Rocci
Hosted by CMMAP

A Comparison of Cloud and Aerosol Measurements from OCO-2 and CALIPSO
July 31, 2015
Emily Rosenthal
Hosted by CMMAP

Examining Intensity Trends During Extratropical Transition
July 31, 2015
Justin Stark
Hosted by CMMAP

Size Resolved Aerosol Composition near Rocky Mountain National Park
July 31, 2015
Rachel Sussman
Hosted by CMMAP

The Role of Backyard Weather Watchers in the 21st Century Weather, Water and Climate Enterprise
May 21, 2015
Nolan Doesken
Hosted by FORTCAST
Nolan Doesken is the State Climatologist for Colorado at the Colorado Climate Center at Colorado State University. He is fascinated with climate monitoring and long-term climate trends, but pays particularly close attention to precipitation including floods and drought. After the Fort Collins flash flood of 1997, Nolan established a volunteer rain gauge network, the Community Collaborative…

Gordian Knot of Meteorology: Unraveling, Cutting It, Retying it
April 17, 2015
Jim Flemming
Hosted by ATS Department
Atmospheric researchers have long attempted to untie the Gordian Knot of meteorology . that intractable and intertwined tangle of observational imprecision, theoretical uncertainties, and non-linear influences . that, if unravelled, would provide perfect prevision of the weather for ten days, of seasonal conditions for next year, and of climatic conditions for a decade, a century, a millennium,…

Herbert Riehl Memorial Award and Alumni Award for Outstanding Research by a Senior Ph.D. Student
April 17, 2015
Hosted by Department
Technical Presentations by the Awardees

The Role of Scientific and Professional Societies in the Enterprise
February 12, 2015
Bill Gail, 2014 American Meteorological Society President
Hosted by FORTCAST
The weather, water, and climate enterprise is described as having three sectors: academic, public, and private. Scientific and professional societies represent a critical fourth element. Societies act as intermediaries between the three traditional sectors, smoothing and enhancing the interactions to the benefit of the enterprise. In the US, AMS plays a central role in today's successful sector…

Fire Weather in Colorado
October 16, 2014
Lisa Kriederman, Incident Meteorologist/Fire Weather Program Leader, National Weather Service Denver/Boulder
Hosted by FORTCAST
Growing up in Colorado, Lisa first fell in love with weather at age 3 when she screamed her head off in her yard. The clouds were making the trees appear to come crashing down on her, and from then on she didn't take her eyes or curiosity away from the clouds and weather. Wanting to explore more of the country and different types of weather, she headed to Tucson to obtain her BS degree in…

Professor Eric Maloney Named Outstanding Professor of the Year
August 22, 2014
James Ruppert
Hosted by James Ruppert
For the second time in his career with the Department of Atmospheric Science, Professor Eric Maloney was named Outstanding Professor of the Year. Unfortunately, Eric was on travel during the picnic and wasn't here to receive the award and accolades in person, but student graduate representatives taped the announcement and e-mailed it to him instead. Eric graciously accepted and thanked everyone…

21st century changes in intensity, duration, and frequency of precipitation in the South Platte River Basin
July 31, 2014
Aaron Piña
Hosted by CMMAP

Evaluation of WRF forecasts of severe weather environments against mobile upsonde observations from the Mesoscale Predictability Experiment (MPEX)
July 31, 2014
Brian Matilla, Florida International University
Hosted by CMMAP

Satellite based evaluation of terrestrial carbon models
July 31, 2014
Michael Cheeseman, Appalachian State University
Hosted by CMMAP

Transient nature of the Intertropical convergence zone
July 31, 2014
Alex Gonzalez, Colorado State University
Hosted by CMMAP

Warm-ring structures in intense hurricanes
July 31, 2014
Franchesca Espinosa, Florida International University
Hosted by CMMAP

The highs and lows of cloud radiative feedback: Comparing observational data and CMIP5 models
July 31, 2014
Andrea Jenney, University of Miami
Hosted by CMMAP

The Vector Vorticity Model: An alternative approach for simulating atmospheric convection
July 31, 2014
Alex Goodman, Colorado State University
Hosted by CMMAP

Detrainment in a cumulus parameterization and a toy model
July 31, 2014
Ian Glenn, University of Utah
Hosted by CMMAP

Pollution among the peaks: A preliminary analysis of new Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) measurements in Rocky Mountain National Park
July 31, 2014
Sara Callahan, Harold Washington College
Hosted by CMMAP

The effects of nitrogen fertilization on respired soil organic matter in Rocky Mountain National Park
July 31, 2014
Jordan Allen, Colorado State University
Hosted by CMMAP

Study overview: Emissions from oil and gas activity in Garfield County, Colorado
July 31, 2014
Noel Hilliard, Colorado State University
Hosted by CMMAP

Pyruvic acid photolysis: characterization of the secondary organic aerosol formed
July 31, 2014
Rachel Severson, Colorado College
Hosted by CMMAP

Potentially harmful Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the Fort Collins Area
July 31, 2014
Lauren Deanes, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Hosted by CMMAP

Source attribution of aerosol size distributions and model evaluation using Whistler mountain measurements and GEOS-Chem-TOMAS simulations
July 31, 2014
Jessica Ng, Scripps College
Hosted by CMMAP

Exploration of atmospheric oscillations with a hierarchy of models: A focus on scale and geographic location
July 31, 2014
Julia Shates, University of California-Irvine
Hosted by CMMAP

Boundary hunting in the Tropics: geographical variability of the width of the tropical belt
July 31, 2014
Bryce Currey, Loyola Marymount University
Hosted by CMMAP

Simulating the 2012 High Plains drought using three single column model (SCM) versions of The Community Earth System Model (CESM)
July 31, 2014
Isaac Medina, Colorado State University
Hosted by CMMAP

The effects of Amazon drought on eastern Pacific SST
July 31, 2014
Leah Lindsey, Colorado State University
Hosted by CMMAP

The relationship between precipitation and atmospheric radiative cooling
July 31, 2014
Alexandra Naegele, Colorado State University
Hosted by CMMAP

Atmospheric dynamical core design
July 31, 2014
Chris Eldred, Colorado State University
Hosted by CMMAP

Improving satellite precipitation detection using Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) and Ground based radar (NMQ)
July 01, 2014
Michael DiRosa, Bard College
Hosted by CMMAP

Convective cloud life-cycle during the Mid-latitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E)
June 27, 2013
Michael P. Jensen
Hosted by Richard Johnson
Michael P. Jensen Brookhaven National Laboratory Environmental Sciences Department/Atmospheric Sciences Division Upton, NY Convective processes play a critical role in the Earth's energy balance through the redistribution of heat and moisture in the atmosphere and the subsequent impacts on the hydrological cycle. Despite improvements in computing power, current operational weather and…

2013 Herbert Riehl Memorial Awards
April 30, 2013
Awardees: Adele Igel, Nick Davis, James Ruppert
Hosted by Jeff Collett
Two winners were selected for this year's Riehl Memorial Award, given to a current M.S. student or recent M.S. graduate for a paper based on her/his M.S. research: Adele Igel (Sue van den Heever, advisor) was selected for her paper entitled The role of latent heating in warm frontogenesis. Nick Davis (Thomas Birner, advisor) was selected for his paper entitled Seasonal to multi-decadal…

Graduate Fellowships Informational Seminar
October 24, 2012
Allen Robinson and Sonia Kreidenweis
Hosted by
Demystifying the process of winning graduate fellowships.