Science and the Path from Here to There

February 02, 2023

Walt Petersen

Hosted by Steve Rutledge and Eric Maloney

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This talk will focus on the science career path of Dr. Walt Petersen, former CSU Atmospheric Science student and researcher, and recent 2022 Outstanding Alum Award Winner. The presentation will summarize science emphases he has pursued along a path originating with and winding through his tenure at CSU, to include topics in deep convection, lightning, precipitation science, and radar meteorology. This science pathway resulted in numerous field experiences and leadership opportunities all initially seeded and materially enabled by his tenure at CSU, collectively providing a natural transition into his NASA science career path up to and including a somewhat unplanned current role of managing a multi-disciplined set of NASA science branches comprising the Science Research and Projects Division at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. NASA science career tracks will also be briefly discussed as they pertain to pursuing a career as a NASA Scientist.